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Authentic Relating

We value  communication that is deeply revealing of our inner experience; that allows us to speak what is alive and true for us in the present moment on mental, emotional, energetic and somatic levels. We see this kind of relating as supportive of our taking responsibility for our experience and of enabling all parties to deeply understand one another's world which can create the most fulfilling levels of intimacy and sharing. 



We value a practice of dropping into our inner world in order to feel what is most alive for us, connect with our internal guidance, and to connect with the aspect of Self that is beyond identity, personality and story.  



We value a feeling of spaciousness both physically in the sanctuary and on the land, and also internally in our personal experience to support the unwinding and unfurling of the nervous system.  



We value beauty in all its forms and encourage its expression as much as possible at the Goddess Palace. 


Creative Expression

​We value all forms of creativity including music, art, dance, poetry, writing, design, and project development, and are consciously cultivating an environment to empower one another to maximize our gifts and embody our purpose. 



We value fun, silliness, playfulness and wild free expression and encourage our free spirited inner little girl to come out and play! 


Honoring Spirit's Guidance

We value the opportunity to develop relatinship with our Inner Being/Spirit/Higher Self and to act from that place of alignment with our inner knowing. 









We value setting a container of ritual to sanctify and lend meaning to our experience. Each morning we enjoy quiet, meditative time for contemplation, journaling and daily practice.  We honor the seasons and cycles with ritual and hold our events with this in our hearts. 


Connection with Nature

We values the beauty of nature that surrounds us on this property and take time out everyday to connect deeply with the elements, incorporating it into our practices and rituals.



We value the opportunity to connect deeply with others in community that feels fulfilling, nourishing and deep. We encourage one other to reach out for support and connection and include eachother in our experience. 


Full Embodiment

We value the commitment to show up as fully as we can, supporting each other to embody our gifts and purpose. Through being honest with ourselves and one another about what is occuring for us, and bringing our heart/mind/spirit/body into integrity, we can express as the most authentic aspect of ourselves. 


Personal Responsibility

We value the commitment to take responsibility for our experience by speaking what is true for us and taking care of ourselves, honoring our desires, our needs, and our boundaries. 


Softness and Warmth

We value an energy of softness and warmth, being gentle with one another and striving to keep our hearts and systems open to connection wherever possible. 

The Goddess Palace is a sanctuary of expansive beauty that nurtures connection with our authentic nature. It is a place to deeply connect with Spirit, to explore relationship and sacred play, and to embody our juciness through all forms of creativity; an oasis of deep feminine beauty in the rocky masculine landscape of Boulder. 


Perched on the top of a mountain, the Goddess Palace has you feeling like you are floating in the sky while also surrounded by beautiful trees, water, and earth. The temple space and light and airy with a gorgeous dance floor in the main sanctuary, meditation/healing room, sitting room and giant deck overlooking a magical valley. 

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